Version 1.4 of DatMapR has now been released as a Beta test version, and is available from the Downloads page of the web-site - it has been tested (and it works), but it would be good to put it through its paces before calling it truly Live!
This adds a facility to Export to a KMZ File, KMZ files being compressed files that will open automatically in Google Earth (assuming it is installed).
The export is based on the main DatMapR settings (Titles, Map Area, Data Bands, Symbols, Text Font, Line Colours, Line widths, etc.), though obviously the DatMapR Background is not really relevant, since the background will essentially be provided by Google Earth!
An example Google Earth screen-shot is shown of the right (click for a larger version). The colour and transparency of the backdrops for the Titles, Key and By-line can all be set as desired, and these aspects, along with a Reference Grid, can even be excluded from the export or 'switched off' in Google Earth.
Placemarks will be based on the symbols (or icons) defined in DatMapR (filled circles in this example), and for Grid Mode data, the symbols can be 'painted' onto the landscape as 'ground overlays'.