Having selected the Project File, and defined map details, map area, data bands, symbols, and background for the mapping (or having accepted the defaults where appropriate), more details of the page layout and graphic formatting can be defined from the Map Formatting window.

The user can select a Font that will be used for all text in the finished map, and separate Font Sizes for the Title, Sub Title, Key, Grid Numbers, and (if applicable) NGR Letters, and a By-Line (see below for more about the By-Line). Font sizes are defined in 'points' (1/72 inch) and inter-relate with the image resolution chosen below. A zero font size can be used to suppress the related text.


The user can also define Line Widths for the outer Frame of the map and for Grid Lines (and the inner frame). These are defined in Pixels - their physical width depending on the image Resolution chosen below.

The maximum number of Decimal Places can also be defined for numeric data values shown in the Key and for Grid Numbers shown in the map margins.


The Position of the Key can also be defined as the Bottom of the page (by default), at the Top below the titles, or to the Left or Right of the map. The pull-down list also provides the option to 'Omit' the key if no key is required.


Elements of the map will, by default, be printed in Black, but the Colour of each can be specified by clicking on the appropriate colour block.


The exception to the default colour is the By-Line which will by default be printed in Grey.  This text, which is defaulted to 'Mapped using DatMapR', can be editted as required - e.g. to the author's name or to a copyright notice.  The '+©' button to the right of the text will insert a copyright symbol at the position of the cursor within the text. 


The By-line will be printed outside the bottom of the right-hand margin of the map.  In the example on the right, the By-Line colour has been changed to Blue, the Frame colour to Red and the Grid Line colour to Green.

The Width of the Map Area can also be defined (in inches), together with the image Resolution (in pixels per inch). The final map page size will be calculated by DatMapR to allow for the additional space needed for titles, the key, etc. and will vary as necessary.


In addition, with keys at the Bottom or Top of the page, an Extended Key Width can be defined to force a wider area for the Key - this allows flexibility (e.g.) where several maps and a common key are to be re-arranged for publication. If the 'extended width' is less than the 'map width' the setting will be ignored.


NOTE that these widths relate to the dimensions and resoloution of an image file as saved by the 'Save to File' menu option in the Map Window.  If the map is printed using the 'Print' option in the Map Window, it will be fitted to the printer's paper dimensions and appropriate margins.