The application is provided as Freeware with no warranty. You are free to use DatMapR to produce your maps, but I would ask that its use is acknowledged if the maps are published. If the application is distributed further, it should be distributed as the complete Installer file to ensure that all of the related files are kept together, but it would be better to distribute a link to the web-site ( so that the up-to-date version can be downloaded.


Version details and a list of changes are given on the web-site (‘’ then follow Outline > Change Log). The current version number is also shown in the Help>About menu option as 'Major version.minor version.bug version [stage] (build)' (stage is only given on test versions) (e.g. ‘v1.2.3 Beta (Build 99)’). This is also shown on a 'splash' screen shown when the program is opened. Such information is useful if you have any problems and wish to contact me via the web-site .


A number of outstanding changes are also included in the Change Log. If you do have ANY problems, it may be worth checking the Change Log, which I will try and keep up-to-date as any problems are discovered, and certainly as new versions become available. If your problem is not covered, or if it is covered and mentioned as a future change and you need it corrected, do get in touch. I make no promises, but I will see what I can do!


As of version 1.4, the application will, where possible, display a message if any newer versions of the software are available.


As well as the current ‘Live’ version, i.e. a stable version which will only change as bugs are corrected or enhancements added, a ‘Beta Test’ version may be available for user testing. This will be a version which has been tested (Alpha testing) but which needs further checks using ‘real’ data. It may change before going ‘Live’ as further changes are made to improve the way in which it works. Comments are especially welcome at this stage.


The documentation for Real Studio, which is used to build DatMapR, states that applications built usind Real Studio can run on Windos XP (with SP2), Vista, 7 and 8.  DatMapR has been tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.   


DatMapR windows require a resolution of at least 1030 x 685 pixels.